
The Walvoil product range is one of the largest in the industry.
From consolidated products to more innovative ones, the Walvoil brand responds more and more effectively to the demand for customization.

Walvoil’s catalogue of hydraulic products includes:

  • Directional Valves and Remote Controls:
    - Monoblocks Walvoil valves;
    - Sectional valves;
    - Valves for special applications; -
    - Pneumatic remote controls
    - Pressure pre-compensated Load-Sensing and Flow Sharing valves -
    - Hydraulic remote controls and Feed units;
  • Pumps and Motors Walvoil:
    - Aluminium gear pump;
    - Cast iron gear pump;
    - Aluminium gear motor;
    - Special configuration;
  • Compact Hydraulics:
    - SAE cavity cartridges valves;
    - Bankable solenoid valves;
    - Hydraulic Integrated Circuits (HICs)
  • Distributeur Hydrocontrol HC-D9

  • Distributeur Hydrocontrol HC-D4

  • Distributeur Hydrocontrol HC-D16

  • Distributeur Hydrocontrol HC-D25